Wednesday, March 31, 2010

i've realized that i only employ rhythm in poetry, when drunk. and when the poetry is laughable, highschool, bad (but, still, somehow, published!) i think too much and write too little. i edit less. i read lesser still. but i used to be more inspired, on xanga. i used to write novels! on livejournal. and now i simply have post-its on my dashboard: (including the inspiration for the "novel"). eh--i'll try again, at least, to recount, to no one.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, it's Chris. That's right. I creeped you. So, I've found inspiration for a novel; it's been done to death but I think the attitudes and scenarios I've taken from life are refreshing. I'll let you read some ideas tomorrow. I've got about two shit pages of three of the middle chapters done. Done. Hah.
