Monday, April 19, 2010

dear dann, this is a proper use of "always,"--sit shafted.

i will post in droves, not pages! i need to move my lj to my blogspot, tag my writings, but it's daunting to think of everything i've ever written in one place, available for scrutiny by way of hyperlink. it's still daunting to think of all the edits i will never enact, the drafting never done, the crafting i am incapable of. my best poetry has always been on the back of legal pads, so promising that i had to get them out whilst taking notes of another kind, so permanent for two months, then wasted and now landfilled. i hope they were turned to Fluff, and now grow vegetables--waste less (ink).

i could always write more, i could have overwhelmed livejournal, if you could fathom it, rare reader. but i stop at the first universal thought, always.

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