Friday, April 2, 2010

i rediscovered the strokes. i'm productive, and free. it's spring/summer. it feels like summer. summer will be school. school's cool. i'll be better at french then. i'll be better. imma be.

new live:
writing (experiment/exercise is underway), reading (success!), french (1.5/9ths done!), comprehending, organizing, tanning, fixing, listening, driving, working, planning (doing!)


  1. I found the list, and it actually only has one thing we didn't already mention. Don't worry, that one thing will entertain us for hours.

  2. i literally fell into a fit of laughter (fit is more literal than fell) for some reason. this seemed smug: "don't worry, it will entertain me for hours that this is a surprise for you." {i don't want to know. i'm not complaining. it's just you. i was right. you love being vague on the internet.}
