Friday, April 9, 2010

destitutional manifesto

i hear every day that people want to die
sleeping as if they were
practicing as if each night
they increased the odds of death
in general and decreased the odds
of death that night
as if to sleep then
wasn't practically an attempt
at suicide and like their diary
wasn't a perpetual dénouement
but i'll try anything
once and i've slept before
and woken up always and
i've breathed to do it
so i want my last breath to
be blood--choke on it
because i've swallowed gore
before, successfully, and now it's my
turn to chew the cud. i've breathed
before, but never mustard
gas, never vapor enough
to drown in (slowly, heavily, heavenly),
never shards that pierced the alveoli
so they exploded and seemed
more open and fit for exchange
of air to carbon: my lungs diamonds
bleeding graphite to dust the world;
i've been in but not of-sound
body panting for aboulia
to expirate, di,oxide.

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